Questions & Answers

Altima will not start

0 votes
I installed this on my 2011 Altima. Flashed and programmed fine, when I hit lock 3x the parking lights will flash and brake lights turn on but doesn't start. If I have another person sit in the car and push the start button while remote starting, vehicle will start. Not sure what to do please help.
asked Jan 26, 2021 in Nissan by Joe Lima2 (270 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
I would verify the connections at the start/stop button. Sounds like its no good according to your test.
answered Jan 26, 2021 by derek g (359,100 points)
selected Jan 26, 2021 by Joe Lima2
Thank you so much. The wire that was spliced to the start button was not making good contact, after resodering it works now.

only other thing it's doing now, it's that once remote started it shuts off once you enter the vehicle and depress the brake. Not sure if this is a feature, but I would like for it to stay running.