Questions & Answers

I can not get evo one to link with imoblizer on 2000 excursion

0 votes
I purchased a flashlink programmer and still can not get this to work correctly. I also purchased a RF641 key fob set and still no luck. It cranks the ignition as it should but will not activate the imoblizer bypass. I have tried to program this at least 50 times using a stopwatch. I have also checked the wires and probed them no less than 20 times. I get a red light as normal then insert the first key for 3 seconds with solid red light and yellow turns on solid as soon as ignition is activated. Insert second key and yellow stays lit and a second into it the red starts flashing until the both go out. Can you please help?
asked Jan 14, 2021 in Ford by Shaun Robertson (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
2000 excursion is 1 key programming, not 2 keys. It is Program 1 per the chart in the guide:
answered Jan 15, 2021 by Robert T (304,910 points)