Questions & Answers

Activation Key not allowing entry

0 votes
I used the activation key to make sure all was available and working for when the tech I hired would do the install.  He is coming today.  I went to open with the key and was told the key was single use and I was denied entry.  This was not made clear to me.  I would like the key to work so the tech I hired to install the product will have access to the information today.


Robert Kelley
posté Oct 19, 2020 dans la catégorie Kia par Robert Kelley (130 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
The installatiin guides are on . Just select make model year and the guides will be listed uner the compatible products. The guides are also available from within the flash link manager once the unit is updated for the vehicle it is being installed in.


Send an email to and include make model and year of the vehicle along with the products being installed.
répondu Oct 19, 2020 par Robert T (304,010 points)