Questions & Answers

how to setup car link BT Long Range ASCLBTLR to evo All

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I need configure set up the car link BT long range 2 way control with smartphone control ASCLBTLR it has evo All in the setup but it is blank. i looked on for setup and spoke to lesco and they said to contact fortin. i have everything set for the wiring to the 2008 ford f 150 for the evo all to the crimestopper rs4 g5 remote start unit. i need to all this remote the evo all so the long range remotes work  



posté Aout 13, 2020 dans la catégorie Ford par Steve Floyd2 (1,960 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
carlink bluetooth is not compatible with the evo-all.


If the evo-all is installed with a separete remote starter (like your crimestopper device), then your carlink should be connected and paired with the crimestopper unit. Nothing to do with the evo-all at that point as the evo is simply used as a bypass module...
répondu Aout 13, 2020 par Robert T (304,910 points)
Looking at the carlink install guide, I see that the carlink bluetooth is not even listed as compatible with the Crimestopper unit either.