Questions & Answers

silverado 2014 evo all thar gm3 + remote excalibur rf31edp i cant shoot off car

0 votes
hi remote start working , but i cant turn off car i try turn on then of key presing breake , only unplug datalink car shut off
posté Dec 21, 2019 dans la catégorie Chevrolet par Adam Zajaczkowski (160 points)
modifié Dec 23, 2019 par Adam Zajaczkowski

1 Réponse

0 votes
What is the service number to the module?
répondu Dec 23, 2019 par derek g (359,350 points)
Turn ON the following options:

A1 through A11


D1, D1.6, D1.10

Turn all other options OFF including the RF kit portion.


Test it just using 3x lock on the OEM remote and tell me if it works properly.
I dont have OEM remote
Then trigger the module with a ground on the yellow/black wire on the 20 pin connector.
Turn of too rf kit option , which one H or sending output to rf
turn off option H


like u said ... back to car, turn first plug in -data link , car start with no reason or caution ---- i can unlock door , push breake turn off - ok . then close door, try remote start nothing , no led , only antena blinking red green.


What does the vehicle do when attempting to remote start?

Note: Remember that the RED LED on the EVO will turn as soon as you remote start the vehicle. If it does not turn On, there is an issue with the (-) ground when running, make sure the connection is made.

after my cobination + fortin manual - link below, --  remote start i have red led , but stil- no turn off , no - door open , but i release d2 , now open after start , still pressing breake nothing (can problem)

No clue
Turn OFF B2

Turn ON D1
on my setup or Derek setup
On your setup. You are using the evo as a stand alone remote starter, so turn on D1.


Turn OFF B2.