Questions & Answers

Does the aftermarkert alarm control data only? Will D2D option allow it to control Viper alarm?

+1 vote
I want to use the factory key remote to control the aftermarket Viper alarm D2D.  I know there is a D2D option in the programming.
posté Jan 8, 2014 dans la catégorie Chrysler par Gary Clark (140 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes

Hi Gary,

What vehicle is this for? That option is very vehicle dependant and is not available for all vehicles.


Basically you would need to turn on these options..

  1. Update the EVO-ALL to the latest firmware for your vehicle
  2. Go in the EVO options and turn On options 14 (OEM remote monitoring) and also turn On option 21.3 (D2D datalink protocol)
répondu Jan 8, 2014 par Robert T (305,380 points)
modifié Jan 8, 2014 par Robert T