Questions & Answers

2014 Ford edge Remote start works. Key start doesnt

0 votes
Installed evoall with t harness, programmed and remote start works. However, if I try to use the KEY ONLY to start it won't. Nor will the car shutoff after ive remote started and inserted key. Remote start WILL ONLY shutoff using the lock unlock lock sequence.
posté Oct 28, 2019 dans la catégorie Ford par Storm zuidema (130 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
It shuts off on brake press, not by simply turning the key on. Key on then press brake, or only press brake to shut off the remote starter.


If it cannot start with the key, double check the harness that plugs into the factory ignition switch and the one that plugs into the factory ignition connector.


Also, make sure you reconnected the factory connectors back into the t-harness.
répondu Oct 29, 2019 par Robert T (304,910 points)