Questions & Answers

04 yukon wont program

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hi my evo all wont program in my truck. ive tried the recomended firmware and still nothing. i hold button plug in connector till blue light on let go plug all others in turn key red light comes on and stays on and blue light flashes. what am i doing wrong please help.
posté Oct 24, 2019 dans la catégorie GMC par steve henry (130 points)

1 Réponse

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What is the service number or S/N to the module?
répondu Oct 24, 2019 par derek g (358,130 points)
Service # 001A06 813911
service # 001A06 813911
hi what firmware version should i be using?
you need firmware 70.18 or 4.06. Those are the only 2 that will work on that car.

Also, being that unit was flashed a looot of times, please do a reset on it.

1. Hold down programming button while plugging in datalink connector.

2. Let go of button when LED is RED.

3. Push and hold button again until all three LEDs start to alternate.

4. Disconnect unit.


If it still does not program after that, test the Data wire at the OBD2 on the car and also at the EVO with ignition on.
hi i tried both firmwares and still same results red light stays on blue light flashes. i have voltage to yellow ign wire and purple yellow wire.can you see wich firmware version i was on prior to october it was working before 70.18 update. thank you
Thank you i got it fixed. It ended up being faulty instrument cluster