Questions & Answers

2009 chevy 3500 evo all, how can I hook up a shock sensor and can I activate a siren? or do I need an evo one

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I want to use the evo all on a 2009 chevy silvarado 2500 as a stand alone remote start and alarm. The truck doesnt have a factory alarm, so I need to add my own shock sensor and siren or horn output. I will also be using the T harness. I think its the gm thar4.
posté Sept 2, 2019 dans la catégorie Chevrolet par Che Kelley (130 points)

1 Réponse

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possible with the EVO-ALL. Refer to the EVO-ALARM guide for how the outputs will be configured once the alarm feature is enabled.



répondu Sept 3, 2019 par Robert T (304,010 points)