Questions & Answers

Cluster stopped working after install [EVO-ALL Standalone/Volkswagen Tiguan 2015]

0 votes
I got everything installed and had it all working. Once I knew it was working, I disconnected the module so that I could clean up the wiring. When I got everything reconnected, I realized that the cluster had lost all power. Now I can't turn the car on using the key let along the FOB. I cannot figure out how this could happen so any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated.
posté Aout 10, 2019 dans la catégorie Volkswagen par John Perry (130 points)
modifié Aout 10, 2019 par John Perry

1 Réponse

+2 votes
Check all the vehicles fuses
répondu Aout 11, 2019 par Mike M (9,800 points)