Questions & Answers

Evo all not flashing blue on step 10

+1 vote
When going through the installation process the Evo all does not flash blue on step 10. All wires are connected with the exception of the hood wire. I have tried firmware 74.32 like the guide suggests as well as 74.18 like the flashlinj suggests.
posté Jan 14, 2019 dans la catégorie Dodge par John Kosko (300 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
At this step the only thing the module is looking for is the canbus wire.

Make sure they are connected correctly and also make sure vehicle is not a 2019.
répondu Jan 15, 2019 par Mathieu Bertrand Collin2 (62,060 points)
After checking and making sure the canbus wires were tightly connected now the evo-all blue light turns off but does not flash just comes back on once ignition is turned off. Upon attempting to use the decryptor it goes through but when I connect the Evo all back to car all 3 lights flash. It's a 2018 Journey.
Same issue here with a 2016 Dodge Journey. Please advise.