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2013 Ram 3500 diesel wait to start not observed

0 votes
Firmware 74.[38] Hardware inside 6.0 Option D1.3 is on, can bus wiring is correct and has been tested against the Fortin module, lock X3, truck cranks over with out regard for the glow sequence as observed outside the window in -20°C weather, thoughts? Is there another firmware that allows adjustment for time?
posté Jan 7, 2019 dans la catégorie Ram par Joe Sleiman (370 points)

2 Réponses

+1 vote
As noted in the original post; "truck cranks over with out regard for the glow sequence as observed outside the window in -20°C weather" Tech support has advised to change firmware to 0.36, Will try again tonight and observe out side the window a cold start sequence. Firmware version 0.36 acknowledged the can bus output regarding the wait to heat issue being bypassed as observed outside the cold truck through the window, looking at the dash display waiting for the countdown timer to complete at 0.
répondu Jan 8, 2019 par Joe Sleiman (370 points)
–1 vote
EVOALL will monitor glow plug over can, when the truck is ready to start it will start.
répondu Jan 7, 2019 par Mathieu Bertrand Collin2 (62,060 points)
As noted in the original post; "truck cranks over with out regard for the glow sequence as observed outside the window in -20°C weather" Tech support has advised to change firmware to 0.36, Will try again tonight and observe out side the window a cold start sequence.
Firmware version 0.36 acknowledged the can bus output regarding the wait to heat issue being bypassed as observed outside the cold truck through the window, looking at the dash display waiting for the countdown timer to complete at 0.
Same issue with my evo all. no wait just start after 10 sec and its -10C here. So going to try firmware downgrade as well.
downgraaded to 74.29 which is the recommended ver. and because there is no 0.36 ver. Still have the same issue will not wait to start! EVO ALL HAS A FIRMWARE BUG FOLKS, the EVO ONE seem to be ok on other trucks in diesel mode