Questions & Answers

Programing went as instructed in installation guide, but car won't start

+1 vote
I just installed the evo all on my Expedition 2015 (Standard key)  and used the guide 34421 for istallation.

Wiring was done as instructed in the guide, programing went exactly as discribed in the guide, blue led blinks twice when doors lock and once when doors unlock but when try to remote start by pressing unlock button 3X nothing happens.

Note: When attaching the dark blue wire to car body, accessories lights come on but no start.

Awaiting your comments.

Thank you.
posté Jan 5, 2019 dans la catégorie Ford par Omar hba (140 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
If you put ground on the blue wire and accessory light come on, this means the standalone option D1 is not enabled in your module. What is the service number on the module ?
répondu Jan 8, 2019 par Mathieu Bertrand Collin2 (62,060 points)