Questions & Answers

How on 2012 Ford Fusion EVO-One with MyCar Teleconnect addon using rear defrost?

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I have a 2012 Fusion and I am currently  using the EVO-ALL with MyCar Teleconnect Addon remote start. The EVO-ALL does NOT support using or connecting the rear defrost output or AUX to control rear defrost. I have been told to update to the EVO-ONE. I have referenced all fortin guides to install the EVO-ONE with my MyCar teleconnect and now where in the guides for 2012 Fusion is rear defrost connected or shown to be connected. I cant make head or tails which output from the 20pin harness I would use and configure to tap into the rear defrost switch. Also will the MyCar Telematic App be able to be configured to turn rear defrost on through the EVO-ONE?
posté Nov 27, 2018 dans la catégorie Ford par Anthony Golden (130 points)

2 Réponses

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Must enable option 25 to converte yellow/black into aux1 output. You must contact MyCar to see if they support Auxiliary or not.
répondu Nov 27, 2018 par Mathieu Bertrand Collin2 (62,060 points)
0 votes
The rear defrost is not plug and play for any vehicle using Fortin that I have seen. Meaning you will have to trace the trigger wires. Using option 25.6 (trigger till shut down) and option 39.2 (auto active below 41 degrees) is a good combo. If your system triggers rear defrost relay by ground trigger (positive always on) then you just need tap yellow/black aux 1 wire into the cars ground trigger wire. If the relay triggers with positive wire (ground always connected) then you will have to set up another relay to trigger that relay since yellow/black aux1 is only a negative trigger. With the options set above defrost will be auto so no need to link to MyCar
répondu Nov 28, 2018 par Anthony Wilkinson (7,090 points)