Questions & Answers

2018 tundra cranks but doesn’t start

0 votes
It was working fine I changed some settings with flash link , now starter turns but truck start, can you check my settings to see if I’m missing something ?


Bypass C1 and D5
posté Sept 19, 2018 dans la catégorie Toyota par Dmas (280 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
Is A1-A11 on?
répondu Sept 20, 2018 par Mike M (9,800 points)
Yes both are on
What options are on on the bypass side?
If you put the head of the key next to the barrel does it start?
Problem solved...called in support, they said that after "load suggested options" and save them I needed to reprogram the module to the truck, did that and everything is working like it should, thanks.