Questions & Answers

evo-one currently installed, can i add a int-sl+ to gain additional features?

0 votes
I have a 2001 cadillac seville sls with an evo one currently installed. The evo one does not support dual driver presets and rear window defrost while the int-sl+ does. Is it possible to add an int-sl+ using data link to gain the additional features and if yes what other wires (other than data) would i need to hook uo?
posté Juin 8, 2018 dans la catégorie Cadillac par Austin Poch (160 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
That has never been tested on that specific vehicle, so I do not know if it would work or how you would even configure the 2 together.
répondu Juin 11, 2018 par derek g (357,930 points)