Questions & Answers

double lock on remote start

0 votes
Installed an EVO-ONE and REVO 1.1 on a 2015 Frontier.  Had to lower the remote stater revision to 1.16 to get the revo unit programmed.  I set function 6 (door locks) to mode 3 lock after remote start because doors were staying unlocked when it started.  When I use the remote start I get an initial lock pulse and then a second one  shortly after.  I can not seem to stop the second lock pulse.   I noticed today that there is a new  t-harness guide for the frontier and it now shows tying the orange disarm wire in with the purple/white unlock wire.  That wasn't on the previous guide.
posté Fev 16, 2018 dans la catégorie Nissan par sal desimone (530 points)

1 Réponse

+1 vote
Meilleure réponse
Try turning off A1 in the bypass options and re test.
répondu Fev 16, 2018 par derek g (357,530 points)
élue Fev 16, 2018 par sal desimone
It looks like that took care of the double lock.  Thanks with your help on this installation.  It's great to have a site where help is available to everyone.