Questions & Answers

2017 Jeep Cherokee ignition wire, No temp sensor

0 votes
I see on your site where to find a 2016 ignition source but cannot find a wire on the 2017.  Do you have any wiring diagrams or pics on where I can find a wire?
posté Jan 21, 2018 dans la catégorie Jeep par Eric Strassberger (130 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
You can find ignition here :


In the driver kick panel
répondu Jan 22, 2018 par Mathieu Bertrand Collin2 (62,060 points)
I can't find a connector like that at the location you are showing.  There are 3 connectors similar to this on the firewall but large red(+) and large black(-)  are toward the center of the connector so I can't go by this photo.  Any other photo's?
Did you ever get an answer on this?

If the vehicle is PTS: brown (for ignition sense only) BCM/dash fuse box, black 60 pin connector (C4), pin 3.

If the vehicle is key start: violet/brown Ignition Node (ignition switch), black 6 pin connector, pin 4.
