Questions & Answers

OEM key fob not working while 2017 Rav4 is remote started

0 votes
I hooked up my Evo-One for remote start only (using my OEM key fob, 3x lock button) on my 2017 Toyota Rav4 H-hey and it starts up fine but it will not allow me to unlock my vehicle once it is remote started.  All of my wires are hooked up correctly, per guide #58371 & I have the C1 & D2 turned on as well as the A2 off under bypass programming and 38.2 selected under the auto-start programming.  I assume it is a programming issue, something is either on that isn't supposed to be or I have something off that isn't supposed to be.  The TPMS wire is also cut and not touching and the Lt.Blue "data door lock" wire is hooked up correctly.  Help please.
posté Dec 30, 2017 dans la catégorie Toyota par Amanda Lloyd (130 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
WHen the vehice is running and you press unlock on the factory remote, does the blue light flash on the evoone ?

When the vehicle is running, does the TPMS flash in the instrument cluster ?
répondu Jan 2, 2018 par Mathieu Bertrand Collin2 (62,060 points)