Questions & Answers

2010 Kia Soul Programming problem

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Having an issue with 2010 kia soul with normal key, wired up correctly but has no immoblizer wire, do i need to connect red connector to white connector wires still. Instructions aren't very good on this point. It says "US models: if the (~) Data wire is not present the vehicle is not equipped with an immoblizer. For CAN functions use programming #2.  I have tired programming to #2 and blue light is on then wihen I turn the key on blue light goes out and doesn't flash at all but when I turn the key off blue light comes back on.  It does not flash at all.  Please Help. No remote start installed. Using as standalone.  CAN Bus wires good 2.5v on each at all times.

posté Nov 11, 2017 dans la catégorie Kia par Eric Bailey (170 points)
modifié Nov 12, 2017 par Eric Bailey

1 Réponse

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No you don't need to connect red connector and light blue wires if vehicle has no immobilizer.

If the blue LED doesn't flash, verify your canbus wires and make sure they are not reversed. Make sure Can HIGH is on pin 6 and Can LOW on pin 14 of obd connector.
répondu Nov 13, 2017 par Mathieu Bertrand Collin2 (62,060 points)
I have tested the CAN Bus and I have 2.6 on high and 2.3 on low. That is when key is on.  I have another EVO All installed in my truck 2012 Ram I took the problem one and flashed it to my truck and programmed and it worked fine, I took the other one and tried to flash and program it to the kia and same thing happens,  I have since switched them back,  I have the wires for CAN Bus wired correctly I even swapped the CAN Bus wires just to see if it did anything.  Its like the flash Firmware is incorrect, so I went back all the way to 76.00 and all do the same.  CAN Bus won't program.  Vehicle starts and runs fine with the key.
What are the color of wire can high and can low ?
on the vehicle they are red and blue.  in the istructions grey and grey w/black.
Make sure the grey is connected to red, and grey/black is connected to blue.

If you are sure your connections are good, try rolling down the software to 4.18 and reprogram to vehicle.
Well I just got back to it and reverted it back to 4.18 made sure all connections were good and correct. And still nothing. I can hook a scan tool to it and read codes and data but this will not work it’s like when the yellow ignition wire sends power to that pin it goes dead.
Was this ever resolved?
Hi was this ever resolved ?

We are running into the same problems

2010 soul blue led doesn't finish by flashing during can program