Questions & Answers

Chevy Tahoe 2005 -RS4-G5 and INT-SL+ remote starts but shuts off in 3 seconds

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Hello I have Chevy Tahoe 2005 just installed crimestopper RS4-G5 and INT-SL+

followed instruction but card remote starts and shuts down immidiatly , while If I leave key in ignition and than remote start with remote it stays running

    that means INT-SL+ is not compatible with Chevy Tahoe 2005 ?

Please advise

Thank You
It is better if you start your own thread for your vehicle instead of posting on a question that was already answered for a totaly different vehicle.

Does your  Tahoe vehicle key have a + or PK3 engraved on the metal part just before the plastic covering you hold in your hand?


Thank you


posté Aout 24, 2017 dans la catégorie Chevrolet par Viral Shah (200 points)

1 Réponse

+1 vote
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Does the module succesfully program tach? Sounds like a tach issue...
répondu Aout 24, 2017 par derek g (357,580 points)
élue Aout 28, 2017 par Viral Shah
I use default techless mode, so no connection for that, though I notice one thing it starts right away as oon as I press the remote start button ( ie normally I have seen it takes few seconds to disarm everything and start vehical ) and exactly in 3 seconds I hear relay clicking in RS4-G5 and it shuts off.

Thank you
If you unplug the int-sl+ does the vehicle still start run for 3 seconds and then die?

   If I unplug INT-SL+ it does not start , it just cranks few times (like retry 3 times or so) but does not start.

Thank you

   I tried unplug INT-SL+ completely but now it only cranks but does not start , and it is retrying cranking like 3 times or so but does not start

just FYI,

I have following wire connected.

red wires +12 from remote to +12v car ignition red

Pink Ignition1 from remote to  car ignition1 pink

Pink\White from remote to car ignition 2 white

Gray Starter from remote to  starter car ignition yellow

Brown Acc from remote to car acc orange

remote data to INT-SL+ Data

INT-SL+ pink to car Ignition 1

INT-SL+ Purple to car OBDII pin 2 purple

I then follow INT_SL+ programming and loocks like lock , unlock works , starter works too but shuts off in 3 seconds


Thank you for your time and help.
So the int-sl+ is working and providing immobilizer bypass.

I suggest you connect a tach wire to the vehicle and program the tach setting and try again.

Or if it shuts down after 3 seconds check the diagnostic flashes of your remote will tell you why its shutting down....
OH man

    so I connected RS4-G5 red/white to INT-SL+ orange /black ( tach) , was still an issue,

finally I saw the crimestopper manual and saw for datalink it supports two protocol , eventhough default ( as per their manual) should be Fortin, i my case it came as idatalink,

so I did change that with valet button and now starter works car stays started  all that good  but not remote lock \ unlock does not work, meaning when I press lock button (Remote started remote) its locks and unlocks right away , what a nightmare ,

so its not that datalink does not get signal it does it locks as well , but unlocks it right away??

any idea ?

Thank you

Best Regards
It should support door locks, What happens if you pulse the analog inputs for lock & unlock on the int-sl+??

   so sir, you were right on very begining of this question, that DAMN Tach wire. yes sir, pls consider this issue resolved , I thank you so very much for your time and support.

I missunderstood , because if you see the manual ( i downloaded from here INT-SL+ manual) , it says INT-SL+ tach wire connectes to RS4-G5 TACH wire , and thats what I was using , I actually put tester and see positive as well on that wire when I started the car with key,  and never thought your answer was to actually connect to vehicle TACH wire.

so finally the entire installation was no more than 1 hour and took 10+ for me , I feel so stupid lol. well lession lernt by me, for any older vehicle or infact newer if possible always connect vehicle TACH wire to R/S

I am just posting this to help others (just incase)  and make it 1 hour installation for this car make model.

I used INT-SL+ and RS4-G5 (crimestopper)


1) R/S:: TACH wire (red\white from 12 pin connectore ) >> to vehicle TACH wire ( white wire when you open top cover of vehicle and remove tachometer ( where you see all the gauges) behind eazy push out connectore and has only one white wire.

2) R/S:: Break ( Purple from 12 pin connector) >>to vehicle break padel white cable ( very hard to bend and see becuase all sort of stuff hiding it but easy if you use push lock t connector or pozzy tap)

3)R/S:: 2 x red +12 v constant ( from large 6 pin connector) >>to vehicle +12V constant red under ignition harness I put two push lock T connector here to plug both RED from R/S)

4) R/S::STARTER brown cable (from large 6 pin connector)>> to vehicle yellow starter bable under ignition harness

5) R/S::ACC gray cable (from large 6 pin connector)>> to vehicle orange ACC cable under ignition harness .

6) R/S:: IGNITION1 pink cable (from large 6 pin)>>to vehicle IGNITINON1 pink under ignition harness>> make a note add one more t lock on this vehicle cable becuase later we will connect INT-SL+ pink cable to tthis vehicle ignition 1 as well.

7) R/S::IGNITION2 pink\white cable (from large 6 pin)>>to vehicle IGNITION2 white cable under ignition harness.

8) R/S::connect data cable that came with INT-SL+ do not connect on the int-sl+ side yet becuase you have to follow programming procedure prior that connection later.

9) R/S:: antena cable , valet switch cable, red LED cable should be plugged in.

10) INT-SL+ violet cable ( from large multi pin connector supplied with INT module)  to vehicle  OBDII pin 2 purple cable

11) INT-SL+ pink cbale (from large multi pin connector supplied with INT module) to vehicle IGNITION1 pink cable under ignition harness.

12) finally R/S:: Ground blable cable to Vehicle chassis some where safe and tight.

now take the INT module press black button and keep it press while plug Data cable ( the other side is already plugged into R/S data port) , you should see red LED constant on INT module,

let button go and plug larger multi pin port to int module

put the key into vehicle and turn in to ignition on position( do not start the car) , you will have to wait 5 sconds and you will see flasshing LED on INT module ,

now start the Vehicle , LED will go off .

stop the car and test everything ,

now last this you would want to do is to connect gray long cable from R/S:: ( 12 pin connector ) take all the way under the hood find best place to put the push latch so when hood is open it grounds it and if it is closed it will be open ( unground) .


Hope above helps , main issue I faced was the TACH wire ( while if you read INT-SL+ manual) it says connect to R?S tach wire but that did not work for me on chevy taho 2005


Thank you

Best Regards
