Questions & Answers

Is it safe to do a master reset

0 votes
Is it safe to master reset my evo-fort1 if the setting "Prevent settings from being lost when doing a master rest" (I think thats what it said) is on?


I purchased the unit pre-programmed so I didnt buy the updater.


Its very cold here and my wife is on my butt to get this working. So I thought I try a MSTRRST
posté Jan 27, 2017 dans la catégorie Remote Starters par Darrell Coffey (240 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
Settings protection is on so thats good, a master reset is fine to do but you will need to re program the module in the vehicle afterwards.
répondu Jan 27, 2017 par derek g (346,560 points)
Thank you, I'll give that a try.