Questions & Answers

Missing options 2014 ram 2500

0 votes
I can get the truck to start with remote sometimes.Sometimes the doors lock. went back to set options and some are gray and cant be selected. B2  D1-D1.6  F1-F3  SUPPORT RF KITS  . All of these are gray and can not be selected.  This truck is a diesel and needs to have a timer . Help please
posté Jan 4, 2017 dans la catégorie Ram par Del Eldred (130 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
Looking at the service number provided the diesel mode is already enabled...

This can be seen here:


Normally what you are describing happens when the module is plugged in in connection mode remote starter....This should not be done you always want to connect an evo-all in connection mode bypass.
répondu Jan 4, 2017 par derek g (346,560 points)