Questions & Answers

how to reset evo-all

+1 vote
I've followed the reset directions, however the red light just stays on.  No other lights blink.  

I plug the 4 wire black datalink connector while holding the button.

The red light turns on, and i release the button.

I press the button again and hold it but nothing happens.


how long is it supposed to take until other lights come on?  

What is the other end of the Datalink cable supposed to be plugged into?
posté Aout 6, 2016 dans la catégorie FAQ par travis peterson (390 points)

1 Réponse

+1 vote
Meilleure réponse
The 3 leds should start flashing a few seconds after pushing and holding the programming button a second time. if the do not flash, I would recommend re-flashing the recommended firmware and trying again.


Thank you,
répondu Aout 8, 2016 par J M (64,170 points)
élue Aout 10, 2016 par travis peterson
Just to confirm... The other side of the datalink cable needs to be connected to the car, not the flash link updater, correct?

I didn't see this information in any of the reset instructions.

Normally when doing the reset procedure, one side of the datalink is connected to the vehicle either via the t-harness, remote starter unit, or hardwired to the vehicle to provide 12v  Power and Ground to the evo unit.

A master reset is also possible while connected to the Flashlink Updater-2 while in front of the computer. The only thing that needs to be done before attempting to do a master reset using the Flashlink Updater is to make sure that the Flashlink Manager is in "connection mode: remote starter" BEFORE plugging in the datalink connector while holding the programming button.


DO NOT FORGET to unplug the evo-all unit from the Flashlink Updater-2 and toggle back to connection mode:bypass before trying to flash firmwares or change options in the evo unit.

Thank you very much for the detailed response.  I feel like this closes the gaps in the reset instructions.