Questions & Answers

EVO ALL programing ok but won't to work

0 votes
Toyota camry 2012 G key. I making wiring connections evo all with CrimeStopper remote start and i check mi wiring is ok, programing evo all ok, but when i try 3x push lock on oem remote is nothing no reaction on evo all and no start . Please help me, thank you
posté Jan 28, 2016 dans la catégorie Toyota par Vitaliy Yevs (160 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes

The service number provided is missing 1 number.

Also the Evo-All is not capable of doing 3x lock on this vehicle as stated here on our website.


répondu Jan 28, 2016 par derek g (346,560 points)

can you check mi servis namber please.


When i buy this remote start and EVO ALL they tell me- work for 3 times lock, REV.; 20151214, Guide # 28781 because i buy this remote start for toyota camry 2012 G Key

What can i do now tell me please, Thank you


option B2 and D1 need to be turned OFF in the EVO-ALL.

There's also an option in your crimestopper that you need to enable so that it will start on 3x lock. You will have to read through the crimestopper installation manual to find out which option needs to be enabled.
Thank you very much now is work