Questions & Answers

possibility of remote start by mean of factory key with built-in transponder

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I own Volvo S40II 2009 and wondering if I can use my OEM key with transponder to start the engine. I've seen a youtube movie when latest Toyota Camry can be started remotely by OEM key by means of pressing "Lock" button three times. I wasn't able to find out any description of possibiilties and compartability list when Fortin is installed as a standalone device.
posté Dec 3, 2013 dans la catégorie Volvo par Nikolay Khrustalev (250 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
First, we do not cover transponder bypass for Volvo. A key would be required.

The EVO cannot control starting the vehicle in the Volvo, no Stand alone option for that car because we cannot detect the Lock and Unlock signal through Can-Bus. We can control the door locks, but not detect them.

*** You may want to verify with which ever remote starter you would be using though as some models have an (-)external trigger that can be programmed to start the vehicle when that (-)external trigger receives a certain amount of pulses.
répondu Dec 4, 2013 par Robert T (304,010 points)