Questions & Answers

Still start and shut off with a SL+

0 votes
appreciate the advice. So I changed from SL to SL+ transponder for the 2002 jeep liberty sport. Vehicle still starts and shut offs. Confirmed firmware is currrent. Transponder seems to program normally. wiring/connections all rechecked. Only hooked up data wire, 3 ignition wires, -gnd out to remote starter wire on transponder, all other wiring done at remote starter (park lights, tach, brake input). have reprogrammed several times and reset remote starter also, along with tach programing.

whereas the vehicle would start and continue running with key in or near the key cylinder using the INT-SL, it will not with the INT-SL+.   

remote starter does 3 starts and after the 3rd when it starts and shuts off, there is no park light diaogistic code for failed start.

asociée à une réponse pour: INT-SL on 2002 Jeep Liberty, starts and dies
posté Nov 29, 2013 dans la catégorie Jeep par Buddy Williams (270 points)

1 Réponse

+3 votes

I should of mentionned this before... With the 2002-2004 models of the Liberty you may need to do the following connections.


  • White/Black of SL+ to (-)Start of remote starter
  • Pink/Black of SL+ to Ground
  • Must use firmware 0.54 (Jeep specific) or 3.06
  • Reprogram the module but do not do Step 5, where it says to press on the unlock button of the remote starter.
répondu Nov 29, 2013 par Robert T (303,700 points)