Questions & Answers

2007 FJ Cruiser does not have the RX and TX wire at the ignition barrel?

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I have a Key-Override-All bypass unit and it shows to connect the required wires at the igniton barrel area.  The installation manual shows that the RX and TX wires are at the 7 pin wire harness (Pins 4 & 5 for Rx and Tx, respectively). However, the 2007 FJ Cruiser I have does not have the 7 pin wire harness, rather, it has a 4 pin wire harness (Blue connector - The wire colors are Green/Yellow, Blue/White, White/Black and another White/Black. ) Is there another place where the RX, TX, and Keysense wires can be wired to? The remote starter starts the vehicle but stops/dies after a few seconds, indicating that the car needs to have a bypass unit installed. Can someone please let me know where/how I can bypass the car's ignition.  Thanks.  (remote starter is a 2-way LCD Autostart)
posté Oct 16, 2014 dans la catégorie Toyota par Orlan (210 points)

1 Réponse

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Vehicles with transponder have always had the black connecter. see picture below

Key Sense is also, always in a 2-pin connector near the ignition barrel.

répondu Oct 16, 2014 par Robert T (303,700 points)
élue Oct 27, 2014 par Robert T

You have a completely different setup than the original poster. GWR is not related.


If there is no immobilizer, you will not connect Rx, Tx and key sense. 

The module will not need to be programmed to the vehicle either. Just plug it in, progamme whatever RF-KIT you have, and test it out. 


Be sure to set the remote starter options indicated in the guide. Specially, 20.2.

Thank you!
Is that (20.2)?something that I specifically have to set or is it set when I use the flash programmer and select the vehicle?
Still no response.
Yes it is.  I got it.  Not clear during programing.