Questions & Answers

How to ensure silent mode (i.e. no horn honks on remote start)?

0 votes
I consider to buy Evo all and install as stand alone starter (2014 Chrysler Town Country). However, I saw on youtube videos that when pressing 3x lock-lock-lock, the horn honks. My car does not do this right now without installation Evo all). Is it a standard feature of Evo-all, or it is depending on the car? If it is the feature of Evo, how to disable it (i.e. silent mode). I leave home very early, it would be very annoying.
posté Oct 13, 2014 dans la catégorie Chrysler par George k (180 points)
modifié Oct 14, 2014 par George k

2 Réponses

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If you want you can disable the horn honk when locking doors by doing the following steps :

1) press and hold the LOCK button on the key for atleast 4 seconds, but less than 10 seconds
2) Continue to hold the LOCK button and then press the PANIC button while continuing to hold the LOCK button
3) Release both buttons at the same time

répondu Oct 14, 2014 par Robert T (85,210 points)
élue Avr 11, 2015 par Robert T
Thank you for your answer. Unfortunatelly my OEM key fob does not have 'panic' button...

panic button on the TipKey is located on that little plastic shaft. A Chrsyler remote without a panic is really rare.

Im haveing a problem with my car not giving the indication/ confirmation that the remot start is used to start the car. can you do this to actualy turn on the horn indication if its off some how?
You can connect parking lights to get a visual indicator
0 votes
The vehicle automatically will honk when pressing the lock button more than once. This has nothing to do with the EVO-ALL or any aftermarket product (unless it was wired to do so).  You could even try it without anything installed to see what would happen if you pressed the lock button 3x in a row.


There is an option in the EVO that you can enable that changes the 3x LOCK to having to press LOCK-UNLOCK-LOCK. This may actually be what your looking for.
répondu Oct 14, 2014 par Robert T (303,700 points)
Thank you for your answer. Just to double check: if my car does not honk pressing 3x lock before installation Evo, it will not do it after installation either. Is this correct?
the evo-all does not change any factory settings. so whatever your car currently does, will be replicated when remote started.