Questions & Answers

starter kill

0 votes
how do you wire in starter kill wire to a 23 tundra cant find any documentation anywhere how to easily wire it would like the alarm to kill the starter. 41.22 has a no splice plug and play relay kill switch that ultimately i would like to control with the fortin evo not a physical switch
posté depuis 13 heures dans la catégorie Toyota par mc141 (400 points)

1 Réponse

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Push-to-start vehicles do not lend themselves well to adding a starter kill compared to a regular key start vehicle where you can simply cut "upstream" of the starter output connection from the remote start system. On PTS vehicles, a second relay will need to be added to "bypass" the starter kill connections during remote start, we recommend contacting a professional shop/installer to add the starter kill feature safely and correctly.
répondu depuis 4 minutes par R M (770 points)