Questions & Answers

alarm sensors

0 votes
are there any tilt/glass break sensors for fortin evo one? or do i have to adapt 4 pin ones??  unfortunately all i see from fortin is a dual shock sensor. i was looking at the crime stopper/omega sensors and they have dual stage shock sensors with glass break and also a tilt sensor. would those work if i wired the 2 stages together like the fortin one is?? id like to use the crimestopper/omega over random amazon no name brands as ive use there stuff in my old jeep and it works well.
posté depuis 16 heures dans la catégorie Toyota par mc141 (340 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
The dual stage input is the 3 pin black connector on the front. The middle pin is the dual stage trigger input. The Fortin shock sensor would plug right in, not sure about the crimestopper piece but it can be adapted.
répondu depuis 4 heures par Robert T (304,210 points)