Questions & Answers

Have a few questions Mazda 2023 Akera

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I have a Mazda Akera 2023 Model non Turbo Petrol.

1. On the standard Mazda key when you press it (Unlock) 3 times and on the 4th press holding down the (Unlock) the windows of the car go down. But what happens with your settings? It presses unlock 3 times to remotely to start the car. What If I want to just wind down the windows using the Mazda press key 3 times , and holding down on the 4th press, the car will start no matter what?. How do I avoid this?

2. Do i use the standard factory key I currently have?

3.. All I am after is to remote start car.

4.Please share the link's to what I need to hook this up to my car if it will work,

5. Will this affect my standard car alarm?
posté Oct 15, 2023 dans la catégorie Mazda par craig griffiths (130 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes


Currently Fortin does not list any solution for this vehicle. As such I cannot suggest a solution for it since it is not supported.

If and when it does become supported, it will be listed on

Best regards.
répondu Oct 16, 2023 par derek g (357,980 points)
Please fix the website, as it says it works for the 2023 model which it does not state what models.
Thank you for your feedback. I will have it looked into by the web team.
Can I just confirm please, does it get started using your kit by the factory key from mazda, uisng the lock, lock, lock then car starts? so pressing the lock 3 times?

or is it press unlock 3 times car starts?
As mentioned, Fortin does not list any solution for the car you have specified.

On other vehicles the start sequence from the oem remote *when it is supported, is either lock 3x or lock-unlock-lock.


Best regards.
I am asking clealry, do you offer it either to start by operating the LOCK 3 times OR is the other option, UNLOCK 3 times then car starts.


If it works with LOCK, LOCK, LOCK, it will turn the car on and wont interfer with the windows down from factory.


Do I use the factory FOB key?
The evo-one and evo-all *when supported can use the OEM remote to start the vehicle by pressing lock 3x or by pressing lock-unlock-lock. Those are the 2 options available.