Questions & Answers

2021 ford transit W/keyless clutch bypass

0 votes
so ive read most of the Q&A regarding this subject but i just want to confirm weather i need a resistor inline with the A5 wire for my van model or not? also do i need a diode inline before or after the resistor or does it not matter?

On a slightly off topic, when programming the key the module finished as planed so i pluged it back into the flashlink and it dcripted ok but when i went to follow the rest of the procedue for ready mode it was going as per the instructions until it asks to turn on the ignition and press the remote lock 3 times .... my remote wouldnt do anything i.e no lock sounds or any form of activity from the key fob buttons or the evo one then when i remove the key i remove the key the engine cuts out.

any ideas would be perfect
posté Aout 11, 2023 dans la catégorie Ford par Chris Clarke (250 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
OEM remotes typically do not work while the key is in the barrel. I would suggest enabling option 33.2 in the EVO-ONE remote starter settings so that ready mode is enabled by foot-brake and ebrake instead. Ready mode would then be enabled like Choice 3 in this guide:

More importantly though, the solutions currently listed for the 2021 Transit enable the OEM remote start in the vehicles BCM. Ford does not allow OEM remote start on their manual transmission vehicles. Being that the OEM remote start is not available, neither would this solution.

So the questions are, what exactly is installed in this vehicle?
Which wiring diagram was used?
What is the 12 digit service number of the EVO-ONE?
répondu Aout 11, 2023 par Robert T (304,330 points)
modifié Aout 11, 2023 par Robert T
Ok thank you, i managed to ready mode but now locked out of decryptor.

the SN: 002B04 248368.

I followed your 2021 ford transit keyless wiring diagram but added a relay off the dark blue to interupt the ignition starter.

All the diagram wire colors matched up with my OEM manual. when using forscan i can enable/disable remote start in BMI and IPC fine.

do i need to do a factory reset to clear the key limit fault??


BTW its a Transit Custom 320 UK veriant.

i was able to get ready mode active but the van just wont stay running when removing the key