Questions & Answers

2004 Toyota Camry remote starts then shuts down

0 votes
2004 Toyota Camry EVO-ONE installation.  All programing went as expected.  Car starts, runs for 2 seconds and shuts down.  Restarts, runs 2 seconds and shuts down.  Wiring conections verified.  Trobleshooting steps?
posté Jan 14, 2023 dans la catégorie Toyota par Linus Beckman (130 points)

2 Réponses

0 votes


What is the S/N to the module please.


Best regards.
répondu Jan 17, 2023 par derek g (346,560 points)
0 votes
sounds like the remote start is not seeing the tach, or not programed
répondu Jan 17, 2023 par mauro esco (150 points)