Questions & Answers

What do I do when my Evo-one decripter reachs programing limit? Too many trys to get it to work?

0 votes
I, for a couple of months in my spare time, have been trying to get this Evo-one to work as a remote starter. All the instructions work as they say they will. But, after successful programing. nothing happens when I use the car remote. Has anyyone gotten a Mirage to work with these instructions? Over the years I've installed 4 remote-starters from different companies, all hardwired, with no problems. But not this one. What am I missing?

Now it says that I'm at a programing limit.
posté Juin 2, 2022 dans la catégorie Mitsubishi par Michael McBride (130 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
What year is the mistubishi mirage? Not all vehicles support remote start from the OEM remote.
répondu Juin 2, 2022 par derek g (359,100 points)
Sorry, I thought the car info was saved with my website log in and programming.

I have a 2017 Mitsubishi Mirage G4 W/ key start.
That would explain why it isnt working.


As shown on the Fortin website ( ) 3x lock is not listed or supported for that vheicle, you wil need an RF kit.


I can get your module reset for you. Simply send a picture of the label on the back of the evo one to,