Questions & Answers

keep device flash limit reached

0 votes
 received a message while connecting to Flash Link Manager
Flash Link Lite Limit has been reached.  Contact Customer Care.
Flash-Link Lite Serial: 005202003572
Can you help with this?
fermer avec la note: question answered via email
posté Mar 23, 2022 dans la catégorie Toyota par AYED ALQHTANI (190 points)
fermé Mar 23, 2022 par derek g

1 Réponse

0 votes
I will be contacting you via the email you submitted shortly.


Best Regards.
répondu Mar 23, 2022 par derek g (346,560 points)
I'm using the same device, and the seller didn't tell me it was a one-time use.

I would suggest contacting your re seller at that point. 


As mentioned in my email reply:


The flash link lite was design for one time use, it was design for one unit. So no reset is possible. The FLASHLINK4 is designed for that purpose (multiple vehicles and units).
