Questions & Answers

which model fit as remote starter for Acura RL 2010?

0 votes

As the info on your website, EVO-ONE and EVO-ALL fit ACURA RL 2010 but I prefer EVO-ALL becuse it is cheaper.So please let me know if it is fully functionl as remote starter with orginal fobkey of car (x3 lock).

Thank you

Nader Dana
posté Jan 14, 2022 dans la catégorie Acura par nader dana (280 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
The evo-all is not a remote starter and will not remote start your vehicle.


For that car you would need the following parts for rmeote start:

1- evo-one

2- rf kit

3- flash link updater


remote start from the factory remote is not supported.
répondu Jan 17, 2022 par derek g (346,560 points)