Questions & Answers

blue led doesn't stay lit while trying to program

0 votes
Can't get past first step of programming. I release the button while the led is blue but it goes out.
posté Nov 30, 2021 dans la catégorie Chevrolet par Brian Deal (130 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
I would check to see if there is power present on the yellow wire of the 20 pin connector. That wire should only have power when the key is on.
répondu Nov 30, 2021 par derek g (359,350 points)
It doesn't have power until the key is on. I have tried a bunch of times to get this programed. I suspect it may be a faulty module.
If it is an evo-one you would also want to check the large pink wire on the 6 pin for the same criteria.


Also ensuring you have the correct firmware flashed into the unit for the installation type and vehicle being worked on is a good thing to double check.