Questions & Answers

05 ford ranger without pats module cannot program

0 votes
I am installing an evo one system into a 2005 ford ranger and there are no wire for the RX and TX to atta h to since it does not have a chip key ignition, the kits says it works for 01-06 but I cannot get it to finish programming after turning keys. What are my options here?
posté Nov 3, 2021 dans la catégorie Ford par Nathan Cole (130 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
If there is no transponder that means there is no in vehicle programming needed.


In your case you would enable option 20.2 for tachless (automatic transmission) then simply program the rf kit to the evo.
répondu Nov 3, 2021 par derek g (346,560 points)