Questions & Answers

3x Lock in a Non CAN-Bus Ford?

+1 vote
I want to use my OEM Key Fobs on an older 2003 Ford Excursion to remote start (Using Lock 3x or Lock-Unlock-Lock)

Can the Fortin EVO-ONE be programmed like a CrimeStopper RS00-G5 so that the lock pulses trigger the remote start function?
posté Mai 7, 2021 dans la catégorie Ford par Theo Abramovich (170 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes


You flash the remote starter to 0.82.


Then you connect the middle pin of the 3 pin shock sensor port to the negative door lock wire on the vehicle.


When the wire gets a negative pulse 3 times it will inititate start. 3 more times it will stop.


Best Regards.
répondu Mai 7, 2021 par derek g (357,980 points)
Is there any way to use this without using the shock sensor port? I want to have a shock sensor installed.
In that case use the shock sensor port and add on an rf kit.


You cannot use both at the same time.
Got it. Appreciate the help! Thanks!