Questions & Answers

Brake pedal required

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Installed the EVO-VWT3 kit in a 2012 Beetle Turbo PZEV standard key. Everything is working up until the vehicle attempts to start. The cluster is displaying that the brake pedal needs to be depressed. I cannot find any information for this specific issue. Using the guide for the PTS beetle, I installed a jump wire between the yellow/red wire to the black/red wire on the BCM connector. This allows the brake lights to come on, but now they stay on the entire time.
fermer avec la note: Question was answered and the solution worked.
posté Jan 15, 2021 dans la catégorie Volkswagen par Blake Henry (230 points)
fermé Jan 15, 2021 par Blake Henry

1 Réponse

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Meilleure réponse
yellow/red is constant 12V in the tharness.

Take alook at the jetta guide. Need to use Yellow/Green. You will also need 2 diodes.
répondu Jan 15, 2021 par Robert T (301,890 points)
élue Jan 15, 2021 par Blake Henry
Perfect. Thanks for the quick answer! That worked perfect.