Questions & Answers

DroneMobile X1

0 votes
Do we see DroneMobile X1 being compatible with EVO-ONE any time soon? Not very many DR-5400 on the market for purchasing.
posté Dec 2, 2020 dans la catégorie RF-Kits par jstratton05 (450 points)

1 Réponse

+1 vote
I asked this question and was advised fortin is not continuing to develop competitors remotes/telemtics units.


We are working towards furhter developing our own line of remotes/telematics:


if it has to be drone, you can always use an evo-all with a cm brain that supports drone.
répondu Dec 2, 2020 par derek g (357,480 points)
Thanks for the fast response and Information. Ill start looking at other telematic options like Carlink.