Questions & Answers

2008 wrangler manual trans wont takeover.

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installed evo-chrt5 into 2008 wrangler.  After programming door locks work, but nothing else.  I cant see a change in state on the parking brake wire wether engaged or not.  also doors do not register a ground when open.  Two very important parts to a manual trans install.  I purchased this combo based on the labour saving but now i am second guessing my choice.  Any suggestions?  I even updated to 4.19 .
posté Jan 12, 2015 dans la catégorie Jeep par stuurq (130 points)

1 Réponse

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What model of remote starter or are you only using the EVO (evo does cover manual transmission vehicles as a stand alone unit)? Does the remote starter enter Ready Mode?

répondu Jan 12, 2015 par Robert T (305,380 points)
Unit  is autostart as2481tw. It does not enter ready mode as I am getting no change of state in the parking brake wire. Does not go to ground when set, in fact makes no change whether set or not.
datalink or wire-to-wire? If in datalink, update the EVO to the latest firmware, go to the options and enable option F3-D2D and leave the AS2481 to Expresskit.

If you want to test the analog outputs of the EVO for door status , handbrake etc.. Ignition needs to be on. Also, the handbrake delays about 2.5 secs on the Can-Bus when it's pressed/lifted.

Tach is 100% also very much important on manual cars. To test the output on the EVO, it will jump from 12V to 6V if tach is detected.