Questions & Answers

2011 a5 coupe Quattro 2.0 non push start button

0 votes
Mine is non push button premium plus car. I heard you have a product which makes plug and play for my car! Which one is it? And does it support cellular start or Bluetooth? Would you guide me to get my car auto starteable with either Bluetooth and cellular option? Also price please! Thank you much
asked Aug 17, 2020 in Audi by Shayne Kim (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
is your vehicle equipped with a key port for the smart key?


Or does it have regular metal bladed key to start the vehicle?
answered Aug 17, 2020 by derek g (359,100 points)
it is key port!
For that vehicle you would need the following:


1- Evo-AUDT1

2- FLash link Updater

3- Telematics device such as mycar, evo-start or omega linkR


It is not plug and play. it requires programming and wiring even when using the t-harness.


after installing 

1- Evo-AUDT1

2- FLash link Updater

3- Telematics device such as mycar, evo-start or omega linkR

does any of above device comes with a remote? or do I have to use stock key fob? if i want to add key fobs, which product shoul I purchase (also what are the range option)? 

thank you.
