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Trunk won't pop.

0 votes
2010 Audi Q5 - EVO-ALL installed with harness.  After remote starting the vehicle - the hatch will not open.  I can hear the solinoid working to unlock the hatch, but the motor that raises the hatch does not engage to open it.

We had this same problem with our previous car starter system - was hoping the EVO-ALL would not have the same issue.

Any recommondations on things to try to get this to work properly?

Also there are times after remote starting - when trying to open the hatch manually using the button on the hatch itself, it will not open.  It will only open after hitting the hatch release button on the OEM remote.  

OH one more question.  Is there are a data link cable extension evailable?  Due to where the EVO-ALL is installed under the dash, I have to remove the lower panels to get at it to program it.  I was hoping there exists an extension data link cable available somewhere. Or if I could know the connector type, I could make one myself.

Thanks for the help!
asked Feb 20, 2020 in Audi by Perry Goutsos (190 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
What is the service number to the module?


Also if you pulse the analog input for trunk release (yellow/black 20 pin connector) when the car is off, does it work?
answered Feb 21, 2020 by derek g (358,030 points)