Questions & Answers

Which install guide to follow? Standard or standalone? '12 Mustang V6

0 votes
Recently purchased the Evo-FORT4, the flash link and the RF642W rf kit and I am not quite sure which guide to follow for install on my 2012 Mustang V6. Would I follow the standard or the standalone? Im not even sure what the difference in the two is exactly.
asked Jul 16, 2019 in Ford by AJ Adair (150 points)

1 Answer

+2 votes

You would want the stand alone guide as long as the vehicle is equipped with an automatic transmission

This the evo-fort4 installation:

Here is the rf kit pairing guide:

answered Jul 17, 2019 by derek g (347,180 points)
Thanks so much, I really couldn't figure out the difference and yes it is automatic.