Questions & Answers

Is ignition connection required from evo all to remote start?

0 votes
Guide # 68991 shows ignition in/out from remote start can be required in dotted line and guide # 68941 shows it connected to evo all purple/yellow A16. No connections from remote start to car required only data cable from evo all? Are parking lights done through data? On 2015 f150?
asked Jul 6, 2018 in Ford by julio pelayo (1,650 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

"Guide # 68991 shows ignition in/out from remote start can be required in dotted line and guide # 68941 shows it connected to evo all purple/yellow A16. No connections from remote start to car required only data cable from evo all?"


- Correct. 


Parking lights are an optional analog connection to the vehicle.

answered Jul 9, 2018 by derek g (334,350 points)