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VW Touareg EVO-ALL Not Communicating Fully after a few minutes of Vehicle S/D

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EVO-ALL with Firmware VW 75.18.  Compustar CM7000AS with Pro T11 Remote on a 2013 VW Toaureg TDI Push to Start.  Linked to black data port on the CM7000AS and EVO-ALL programmed with F2 Datalink protocol.

Installation went well and the EVO-ALL was programmed successfully.  The vehicle remote starts fine and all functions appear to be working.  However, after the vehicle has turned off and the vehicle is locked, there are issues after a few minutes as if the EVO-ALL isn't communicating with the canbus.  An unlock button press on the Pro T11 fob will disarm the CM7000AS, but the vehicle doors will not unlock.  Same issue with the trunk open command from the Pro T11.  The vehicle / EVO-ALL will still respond to lock and remote start commands fine.  For example, an unlock command from the Pro T11 will not unlock the doors, however, a lock command will trigger the vehicle confirmation lights, activate the door locks, and sound the factory audible chirp.

This only happens when the vehicle has been turned off and has sat for a few minutes.  Immediately after turning the vehicle off, the EVO-ALL responds to all commands from the Pro T11 just fine.

In addition, to rule out a potential low voltage issue, I put a battery charger on the vehicle and performed the same steps with a constant 12.3V being fed to the system.  The vehicle still didn't unlock the doors after a few minutes of sitting idle.

I have tried firmware versions 75.17 (beta), 75.18, along with the one right before 75.17 - I think it was 75.14 but I didn't write it down.  All exhibiting the same issues.

Options enabled on the Evo All: Bypass Mode - A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, C1, D6, F2, G1, G2

Another potential bug in the firmware is the OEM Remote Monitoring.  If a user locks the vehicle with the Pro T11 and within a few seconds opens the door (handle sensor) with the OEM proximity key in pocket, no deactivation signal is communicated to the CM7000AS and the brains thinks it's theft.  Might be a small bug in the firmware but I have come across this before when locking the vehicle and grabbing the door to open it as something was left inside.  Again, this issue only occurs within a few seconds of lock / arming the system with the Pro T11 remote.  If after ~5 seconds the customer opens the door, the system disarms just fine.

I was also expecting the vehicles lights and OEM horn to be activated during a theft output from the CM7000AS (figured G1 / G2 options would enable lights & horn output over the canbus).  Isn't the EVO-ALL supposed to be activating the lights / alarm?  No big deal if it doesn't have that functionality as I'll wire it from the CM7000AS instead, but I would like to know if it's a firmware issue or a limation of the EVO-ALL.

asked Feb 6, 2016 in Volkswagen by Mitchell Cardno (130 points)

3 Answers

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Make sure you left the CM7200 to default ADS protocol and not program to Fortin protocol.

In many vehicles there is a small delay after doors are locked that the module ignores the smart handle. Typically this is a couple seconds and this is a normal behavior.

Parking lights and horn are NOT supported over canbus in this vehicle and will need to be wired to the vehicle.
answered Feb 7, 2016 by Mitchell Cardno (85,210 points)
Hi Mathieu, thanks for taking time to respond to my questions.  I checked the CM7000 with the OP500 programmer and I can confirm that it's set on the default ADS protocol (4-11).  All options are default 1, except the following:

1-06 (Reservation Lock) - 2

2-07 (Remote Start Runtime) - 2

3-05 (Anti-Jacking) - 2

3-10 (Valet) - 2

4-14 (Low Battery Warning) - 2

Like I said, it communicates just fine immediately after the vehicle shuts down.  However, after ~5 minutes, there is no communication for the unlock / trunk open commands, but the lock / remote start still works.

Let me know if there's anything else I should check / change to get this functioning as I'm out of ideas.

Lock, wait a few minutes, and then pulse the purple/white to ground and see if it unlock.
Hi Mathieu, thanks again for responding with troubleshooting steps.

Pulsing the purple/white (Pin A3, Unlock/Disarm) against ground (even extended it to negative battery terminal) did nothing.  I tried pulsing the purple (Pin A2, Lock/Arm) against ground and nothing as well.  Tried multiple combinations of locking vehicle, unlocking, waiting, etc...  Both A2 / A3 ground inputs had no effect on the vehicle

I ran a couple additional tests to help narrow down this time lag where there is no unlock activity.


1) Unlock vehicle with OEM fob.

2) Wait until signal is sent to Pro T11 saying vehicle is unlocked / disarmed from OEM keyfob (~3 seconds)

3) Lock vehicle with Pro T11 (takes about 5 seconds for system to respond).  Vehicle chirps and locks doors

4) Start Timers.

5A) 45 seconds or greater.  Press Unlock on Pro T11.  Vehicle's lights go on, but vehicle doors do not open.

5B) 30 seconds or less.  Press Unlock on Pro T11.  Vehicle's lights go on, and the doors unlock.

Somewhere between 30 seconds and 45 seconds of no vehicle activity, I am unable to unlock the vehicle with the Pro T11.  I can sit there for 5 minutes hitting lock on the Pro T11, waiting 10 seconds, then hit unlock on the Pro T11, waiting 10 seconds, locking, etc... and the vehicle will lock / unlock all day long from just the Pro T11.

Using the 1-way remote (1WG8R-SS) has no different effect.  Unlock after the vehicle sits idle only activates the vehicle lights with no doors being unlocked.
Tell me exactly which wires of the EVOALL are connected to either the vehicle or the Pro T11 module.
I wired the vehicle as outlined in guide 6871 rev 20140630 (push to start).

Terminal Block A:

A1 (Yellow) - Vehicle (12V Ignition)

A6 (Orange) - Vehicle (Ground - Push to Start)

A10 (Lt Blue / Black) - Vehicle (Key Sense)

A20 (Lt. Blue) - Vehicle (Diode Isolated Grouped Start/Stops)

Terminal Block B:

Data-link Connected to Black Dataport on CM7000AS

Terminal Block C:

C3 (Gray) - Vehicle (Canbus High)

C4 (Gray/Black) - Vehicle (Canbus Low)

Terminal Block D:

D2 (Yellow/Blue) - Vehicle (12v+ Constant)

D3 (Yellow/Red) - Vehicle (Brake)

D5 (White / Blue) - Hidden OEM Vehicle Key (Keyport / Keyfob wrap - close loop with D6)

D6 (White / Red) - Hidden OEM Vehicle Key (Keyport / Keyfob wrap - close loop with D5)

Terminal Block E: Not Used

So the only connection from the EVO-ALL to the CM7000AS is via the data-link.
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Once the doorlocks stop responding to the Compustar remote, does remote starting the vehicle re-enable door lock/unlock controls?

Also please check the 10th digit of the vehicle VIN starting from the left to verify the actual year of this vehicle since we only started listing the pts model in 2014

You can also try firmware 4.18 to see if that  will make a difference, you will need to test this using the analog purple and purple/white wires since option F2 will not be available at this firmware.

Thank you,
answered Feb 9, 2016 by J M (64,270 points)
Hey Jesus,

Yes, remote starting the vehicle re-enables the door unlock & trunk open controls.  For example, lock the vehicle, wait >45s (unlock command on Pro T11 doesn't unlock door), remote start the vehice, hit unlock button on Pro T11 and the doors unlock.

10th digit of the vehicle VIN is D.  I'm certain it's a 2013 model.  Guide 6871 for the Touareg lists the PTS available for years 2011-2014...

Thanks for the tip Eric - although all my tests were conducted outside of the vehicle.

Additional Firmware Tests:

Flashed 75.07 - Same Issue

Flashed 75.05 - Same Issue.  Visually confirmed on the EVO-ALL that the blue indicating light flashes once for lock, and twice for unlock.  This flashes twice even after the >45s timeout.

Flashed 75.01 - Same Issue

Flashed 4.18 - Evo-ALL does not send disarm command to OEM alarm, HOWEVER, the unlock button works after 45seconds and doesn't time out.  The lock / unlock sequence seemed a bit wonky though.  The lock command would lock the doors, unlock them, then lock them again and finally arm the OEM alarm.  No additional wiring was done - this was all over the RS232.  I didn't feel comfortable running this firmware with the locks going a bit erratic on the lock command.

Changed CM-7000AS 4.11 (Communication Protocol) to Fortin (2).  Switch data cable to the Grey Port on the CM-7000AS from the black port.

Flashed 4.18.  Options A1-A11, B1, B3, C1, D6, E2, F1, G1, G2 - Same Issue, won't unlock after >45s

Updated Options A1-A11, C1, D6, E2, F1 - Same Issue

Changed CM-7000AS 4.11 to Default (1).  Switch data cable to black port on CM-7000AS

Performed Master Reset on Evo-ALL

Programmed Evo-ALL

Options A1-A11, C1, D6, E2, F1 - Same Issue, won't unlock after >45s

Options A1-A11, C1, E2, F2 - Same Issue, won't unlock after >45s.  What's curious is the remote start still worked even though this vehicle is a PTS with option D6 off.

I tried a bunch of different firmwares and options flags, all VW FW's having the same issue.  Can we send in a ticket to the code warriors with fortin to look at the programming for this vehicle?  There must be some code that's not quite right in the FW...

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If this is anything like the BMW X1  i caught. The vehicle network is "Busy" for a few minutes after locking it, this cancels out any aftermarket commands temporarily. The vehicle also had a built in motion sensor. If tests are being done while in the car, the motion sensor will pick you up and also cancel out stuff.
answered Feb 10, 2016 by J M (2,020 points)
Bump - Any further update on this issue?  Should I contact support directly for a service ticket to be entered to get the FW corrected?
I personnaly did this vehicle multiple times and have had no issues at all. You said you switch the data cable to the black port of the CM7200, what port was it in before ?

Can also try with a different module to eliminate the possibility of a hardware issue.