Questions & Answers

Nissan Quest 2015 not working

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Hi, I just installed the EVO all (EVO-NIST1) and it does not work in my Nissan Quest, 2015. I put one in my maxima from purchased and programmed from the same company and it was easy and worked right away so I am familiar with the setup. I plugged in the Brake plug, diagnostic port and cable under the push to start being there is no key port, wired in the black/white wire from the EVO into the purple push to start wire as per the directions, Once i did all this i plugged the unit all in, slow blinking blue light and I tried it and the box never makes the "click" sound it should when i hit lock like in my maxima, I tried the remaining brown wire and was able to go through the programming with the key fob with no issues, the light then just slowly blinks blue and never works after 3 locks. any ideas? Maybe the initial programming before it was shipped didn't take? Not sure at this point. thank you!

I also just nticed the onstructions show the wires based on ""Quest (Without sliding doors)"" but my quest does have power sliding doors, so now what?

asked Jul 29, 2015 in Nissan by brian chiaino (230 points)
edited Jul 30, 2015 by brian chiaino

1 Answer

0 votes

You will need to finish the programming steps 10 to 12, you will need a Flashlink-2 updater (sold separately) and our Flashlink Manager software (free to download here: ) You need to use our Dcryptor service to be able to learn the oem key codes.


Thank you.

answered Jul 30, 2015 by J M (64,270 points)
The flash was done for my vehicle by the company i purchased it from, i did not have to do steps 10 to 12 on my Maxima, it was done by the company and worked great, the only programming I had to do was for the key fob and that went smooth on both vehicles yet on the Quest, the box never "clicks" or "Blinks" when I press the lock button 3 times to start the car while sitting in the car. I didnt even have to program the key fob on the maxima to use it when i sat in the car as a test, only had to prgram it when outside the car (obviously) :)


does this work with a Quest with sliding doors? Not sure why on the instructions it says ""Quest, w/o sliding doors"" on the wiring part for the PTS button

The Maxima does not need those steps, in your Nissan Quest we need to "clone" an OEM key hence the Dcryptor part of the programming.

If you look here: and scroll down to Required Technology and Required Accessories you will see that you need the Flashlink-2 updater and Dcryptor to do this vehicle.

Thank you.

damn ok, but shouldnt it at least work as a test if the key is physically in the car though? the car then knows the key is present. I understand i need the dcryptor but want to make sure the box is at least workin
It will not work as you described, the unit is now in it's "learned the key code" mode and is waiting to be connected to the computer so the dcryptor process can be done.
And your vehicle is not like a typical remote starter install where we power up the regular key wires, that type of install you can normally test with a key in the vehicle. unfortunately not the Nissan Quest since it's a push to start vehicle using low current connections.

The Evo-All is functional as you can see since you have progressed as far as you got.

awesome, last question, Not sure why on the instructions it says ""Quest, w/o sliding doors"" on the wiring part for the PTS button, I have sliding power side doors, does this matter at all?



thank you so much for the help


It will not matter for programming or remote start operation. The only reason the warning is there is because some vehicles have different pin locations at the BCM for lock-unlock.
Great, thank you!!