Questions & Answers

Stand Alone Remote Start with RF Kit

0 votes
I have EVO-ALL setup for Remote Start with Crimestopper RF Kit.  I would like to have car run for longer than 15 min duration in cold weather (which I believe was the max allowable in the Flashlink Software) there a way to conifugre this for longer or infinite running time?
asked Jan 31, 2015 in Ford by raylech (490 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
No, there is no way to program the Evo All to run indefinitely, that would cause problems if there was not a lot of fuel in the vehicle, local laws concerning remote starter run time, etc...

Best solution would be if you need extra run time, just start the vehicle for a second cycle after 15 mins.  Less problems than trying different settings to extend run time.
answered Feb 2, 2015 by J M (64,270 points)